Längs ett Spår av Blod

Längs Ett Spår av Blod
Filmed on location in Gothenburg, Sweden, Längs Ett Spår av Blod follows Asme through a tense 24 hours of drugs and violence. The directors wanted to tie the various locations together more with a bleach bypass look, referencing Se7en and other films where the bleach bypass was done at a stage of the process where it didn't push the highlights or desaturate quite so much, and instead mostly just had really thick blacks.
Shot on — Alexa Mini with Arri Signature Primes
Project Type — Short Film
Production — Yoel Yemane, Bloodline
Producers —Chimichurri, Ari Amin, Leo Aadland, Lena Aadland, Andrés Salas Lindell, Adriana Prieto
Director — Emil and Mattias Ramos, Chimichurri Studios
Story —Chimichurri & Mohamed Mohamud
DoP — Leo Aadland, Mohammad Tellawi
Production Design — Ari Amin
Costume Design — Ronja Kruus
Color — Ben McIntire